SOM Admissions

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Promoting Recruitment Opportunities in Medicine with Individual Study Experiences (PROMISE)

Promoting Recruitment Opportunities in Medicine with Individual Study Experiences (PROMISE) is an early assurance program for educationally and economically disadvantaged students. The program is sponsored and managed by the School of Medicine at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. The major goals of the program are to:

  • Introduce students to career opportunities in medicine;
  • Engage students in enrichment programs that help strengthen individual academic foundation;  
  • Expose students to faculty who are active in medicine;
  • Encourage students to pursue a career as a physician; and
  • Guide students through the processes and preparation required to apply to and attend medical school. This includes a focus on preparation for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).

Students who complete the PROMISE program and meet the metrics established by the admissions executive committee of the SOM will be eligible for a position in the UMMC School of Medicine. Eligibility is also dependent upon completion of all undergraduate degree requirements and the PROMISE program requirements.

Program eligibility

Ideal candidates for the PROMISE program are students who identify as part of a group that is educationally and economically disadvantaged and have a commitment to pursuing a career as a physician. 

Students must complete 8 hours of General Biology with lab, 8 hours of General Chemistry with lab, and 3 hours of math including college algebra or higher. Additionally, students must complete either 8 hours of Organic Chemistry with lab or 8 hours of Physics with lab prior to acceptance in the program. Students can be enrolled in one or more of these courses during the spring semester when applying for the program, but must have completed these courses by the end of the spring semester.

Students must have a minimum of a 3.0 BCPM GPA (biology, chemistry, physics and math) and cumulative GPA in order to apply. Additionally, applicants must have Mississippi residency status at the time of the application.

SOM matriculation requirements

  • Completion of all prerequisite courses for application to medical school
  • Free from disciplinary issues in undergraduate program
  • Remain in good academic standing in undergraduate program
  • Completion of undergraduate degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics) and mathematics (BCPM)
  • Meet with the director of outreach in the School of Medicine
  • Interview with the SOM
  • Completion of at least 35 hours of U.S.-based physician shadowing

For more information

Contact Dan Coleman, SOM Director of Outreach.